Durso Question


are my dursos too low in the overflow?? i hope not because they are glued. anyway, the problem i am having is that the water level in the overflow is still slightly fluctuating up and down, i have holes drilled in the caps but dont really want to go any bigger. also every 30-45 seconds it seems that the drains into my sump have some extra water volume going through lkike a water rush or something?? what can i do to stop what is happening?


Active Member
Water level bouncing means the air hole should be bigger. The pipe will work at any hieght just the lower it is the farther the water falls into the box and that will make noise. The sump is changeing because the overflow is bounceing.


but if i drill a bigger hole wont that make the water level in my overflow higher and higher above the durso


Active Member
Only if you pump is to big. A bigger hole will let more water drain faster. I made mine with the twist hole/cap and I just open it till it flows steady and then a hair more and its fine.


Active Member
How many and what size are the drain/s ??
A 1 inch drain only can handle around 700 gph or so.....