Duster secreting stings?


Ok, so this past week I got my first feather duster from the LFS. The tube is much larger than I thought, but then again I had only seen them in pictures before. Anyway, I have a couple questions about something I noticed about mine.
1. So feather dusters have a crown and then in the middle of the crown you can see this orange/yellow thing. Is that the actual worm? Sometimes it comes out further than other times.
2. The first time I saw it out of the tube it look like it had two layers of crowns (one stacked on the other). However, today it looked like there were to crowns side by side. Then I saw that there are two of those orange/yellow things in middle of each. Is it possible that there are two dusters sharing the same tube?
3. Now tonight I saw something strange. While both crowns were out, a strange stringy substance was being secreted from the orange appendages (both of them). This went on for a couple minutes. These long (maybe inch long) stings came off and floated away. Any ideas on what this might be? Should I be concerned?
Thanks so much.


havent heard of stingers, but is it possible the crowns are being thrown? how are your water parameters?


Temp 77
PH 8.3
S. G. 1.023
Ammon. 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates ~0
It hasn't tossed its crown. I did just do a ~10% water change this afternoon and cleaned out my skimmer, but no one in my tank ever seems to be bothered by those things.


What you saw is normal. The polite way to say this is that your duster just relieved himself. They will do this every so often. I've seen mine do this also.


WOW! :eek: If you mean what I think you mean that is pretty... unpleasent.
Dusters should know better than to do that in front of people! lol

By the way eewww...