dwaf angel ?


Active Member
It is not recommended to put two dwarfs in such a small tank. You'll have nothing but problems. They are usually not compatible but sometimes it works in a very large tank, 100+ g's. Didn't work for me in a 125g. Wouldn't do it. Also Potter is a bit on the delicate side for dwarfs.
I can see why you would like to do this since these two are very impressive looking. I personally would go with flame. Hardier and good looking. good luck.


I agree..the Potter's are recommended to be left in the ocean..too delicate, not that it's not possible if very experienced.
I recommend the Flame as you are not supposed to put two dwarfs together. I do know someone who has a Flame and a Lemon in a 45 but they introduced them at the same time, and who knows what could happen in the future as they grow?