dwarf angel fish


New Member
I am thinking about adding a dwarf angel. I'm not sure what type though. Maybe a Half-Black (Pearl-Scaled), Multicolor or LemonPeel. I will probably get the Pearl-Scaled because my lfs has one. Can anyone tell more about these fish? :cool:


Active Member
Hi, I'll tell you what I know of the Half Black.
They need a tank of at least 30 gals.
They need lots of places to hide and swim.
They like to eat, marine algea, mysid shrimp, Spirulina, and other meaty treats.
Semi-aggrisive towards others. Will not get along with other dwarf angels.
This is a fairly hardy fish, medium difficulty to keep. Keep with caution in the reef.
Hope this helps, Lisa


New Member
I figure that I will have to get some more rock to hide in, and some mysid shrimp. I have a 30 gallon tank, so that should be big enough. I just want to make sure he work with my current inhabitants and he'll be happy. I read that lemonpeels are hard to keep, so I don't think I'm ready for somthing like that yet. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />

mike j

I love how the half-black's look, they always seem to be the most active at my LFS. I like the orange circle around the eyes; the pictures on the internet don't do them justice. I would take the half-black out of the three you've listed.


Active Member
Coral beauty or flame would be my pick. How long has your tank been up and running? Dwarfs should not go into the tank until up for about 5-6 months. Also your damsel is pretty territorial and will harass the dwarf. I personally would get him out and trade him in.


I have a Cherub Angel in my reef tank and it is very active and does not bother my corals or fishes. I also paid $9.99 for him from SWF.com. What a deal. It is the most enjoyable fish to watch in my tank because it is always gliding in and out of the rock. It is beautiful, too. I heard that the Lemonpeel is a little more difficult to keep and is more apt to nip at corals. According to Scott W Michael in Marine Fishes book the Lemonpeel "notorious for nipping large-polyped stoney corals and tridacnit clam mantles. May also eat some soft coral polyps and nip zoanthids." Good luck! Jodi :D