Dwarf Angel in 20 Long...?


can I put a dwarf Angel in a 20G Long? If I can, how would this affect my bioload and how much more room for other fish would I have?
How about
1. Flame Angel or Bi-Color Angel
2. Yellow Watchmaan Goby/Piston Shrimp
3. Suggestions...?
Anyone with any thoughts?
What kind of substrate do the Watchman Goby's prefer?
Is the 30" long tank going to be enough swimming room for the dwarf Angel?
Thanks All, :happyfish


Active Member
Not smaller than a 30g. for a drawf.
Pack it with live rock and let it mature for 6 mths. befor adding an angle.
Not sure if a watchman will sift sand but the shrimp will push it, so a small to medium size grain with small rubble for the shrimp to borrow.
Gobies often jump out of small tanks.


Active Member
Will be ok but need small pcs, of rock rubble mixed in so the pistol shrimp can build a borrow or else the sand just calapse in on itself from water flow ect.


so the Goby dosnt build the burrow? hmm... :thinking:
so...could I just add or mix in Puka shells or larger crushed coral into the extra fine sand? will this give the same effect as the rock rubble or am i missing something?


Active Member

Originally Posted by vejomatic
can I put a dwarf Angel in a 20G Long? If I can, how would this affect my bioload and how much more room for other fish would I have?
How about
1. Flame Angel or Bi-Color Angel
One angel per tank is the usual rule to avoid hostility.


that's my understanding too. BUT, is a 20L too small of a tank for a Dwarf Angel? All my readings tell me that they need at least a 30G tank, but if i put enough rock in the tank will this be o.k?



Active Member
Originally Posted by vejomatic
that's my understanding too. BUT, is a 20L too small of a tank for a Dwarf Angel? All my readings tell me that they need at least a 30G tank, but if i put enough rock in the tank will this be o.k?

I'd say it's really up to the fish. Also dwarf angels from what I've heard are pretty delicate little guys and usually very shy. I'd wait for someone to post who has a dwarf currently, but the general guide lines say you probably shouldn't add that fish.


If I remember correctly from The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, the Bicolor is not very hardy at all. If you do try an angel, you should probably go with the flame.


if you have a reef... avoid them at all costs.. i had a great Coral Beauty until 2 weeks ago...
but for size, why not? 20 long gives the same length of tank as a 29 gallon or 40 tall, which i had mine in... they'd do fine in a 20 long, IN MY OPINION.


thanks for your input Blitz :happyfish
The tank is being picked up on Friday so I have some time to figure out what im going to do with it...for now though...it will be FOWLR.
what happen to your Coral Beauty? Did it eat your corals, is that why it's "gone"?


i have a dying LTA.... some zoos/brown sea mat corals that it was biting, and a kenya tree that is dead... it was great for 6 months or so, then all the sudden it started eating stuff... now i wonder if my frogspawn was picked on by it a while back when it lost a head.


one more thing though... i have a 20 long as well, but i am using that for an octopus... why not just go for a 29 gallon... EVERYTHING will fit that tank that will fit the 20 long... and, it's only 5 bucks more.


Originally Posted by vejomatic
so the Goby dosnt build the burrow? hmm... :thinking:
so...could I just add or mix in Puka shells or larger crushed coral into the extra fine sand? will this give the same effect as the rock rubble or am i missing something?
you don't even have to mix it in - I made a pile of shells, thinking I was creating a "pod pile" - the pistol shrimp took every single shell to build his fortress. He's gone thru 3 piles now, I'm giving up.