Dwarf Angel



Coral beauty, hands down. Totally gorgeous fish as well. Though thier name suggests otherwise, be wary of placing this fish in a reef tank as they will likely nip at soft corals. That said, the LFS has a very healthy variety of corals in thier 55 gallon reef tank and the only fish in there is a coral beauty, /shrug go figure.


I love my coral beauty. My two clowns have ich, and I am yet to see a spot on my coral beauty. I have not seen it eating any corals yet. It is always nipping on my rocks for algae, and I feed him seaweed selects. I say get one!:cool:


Active Member
I'll chime in on the coral beauty as well. Mine is in a FOWLR community tank so no corals to disturb. Only other experience with a dwarf was a flame angel my wife bought when the tank was relatively new. Predictable consequences occurred.


New Member
I wasnt talking about anything in particular. I know the may nip on corals, i was justing seeing which one was most hardy.


Active Member
my coral beauty is in my reef and doesnt harm anything i have had about 4 pygme nagels know and have never had one nip at corals but i would agree the beautys are prob. hardiest