Dwarf Angels in a Reef tank? Need advice!


I would like to have one of the dwarf angels in my 155 gallon. I really love the Lemonpeel, this site says they are reef safe but no one seems to have had good experiences with them in a reef tank.
I'm thinking of going with either the Eibli or the Midnight Angel? Again this site says they are reef safe but I'm skeptical. Are either of these okay? I know that all angels have the potential to pick at corals, but I wonder if either of these has a good reputation?


Active Member
I have heard good things about the flame angel, coral beauty, and bicolor as being good angels in a reef.


i have had 2 bicolor in my reef and the first one did not touch the any of the corals , too bad he died i have another angel and they didnt get along, now i got rid of the other angel , got another bicolor and he nips at everything , im to the point of getting rid of him, so i guess its a hit and miss with the fish ,you might have one that doesnt nip at anything and u might have a little devil like me.


i have had 3 different flames(in 2 diff tanks) and never had a problem.i also had a cherub/pygmy and coral beauty in the same tank with a flame,all did well.


Some have luck, some don't...the only proven choice is a Watanabe Angelfish, the males are awesome, but expensive.


Active Member
the only 100% reef safe angels are the swallowtail, watanabe,and lamarck angelfish. After that the flamebacks(Centropyge aurantonotus), cherubfish(Centropyge argi) and resplendent(Centropyge resplendens) are almost always reef safe, (but are sometimes aggressive) Flames and coral beauty are usually reef safe(if well feed). Most of the others are 50/50 or less and will most likely pick at something eventually. I got this info from a article about pygmy angels in reefs from a AFM (aquarium fish magazine) by Scott W. Michael. all the species you mentioned would probably not work in a reef.(according to what i know.)


i have had a coral beauty in my reef for 5 months and he hasnt touched a thing and i have softies, lps, clams, leathers, mushrooms, and polyps.


Active Member
with the large tank you have if you do get one that likes to nip it may be spread out enough no to bother any one coral.


I have a pygmy angel..blue with yellow face...she doesn't bother any of my corals...she just grazes on my rock all day long...


Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
I have a pygmy angel..blue with yellow face...she doesn't bother any of my corals...she just grazes on my rock all day long...
that sounds like a cherubfish(Centropyge argi)


question is... how much do your corals mean to you? Everything I have read across the board says add with caution even when listed as REEF SAFE. Again, if you must have an angel, I understand that the pygmy are the "safe" ones. I had a blueface angel, but he didn't live but for like 6 months. He didn't ever bother anything. However, I have much more coral in my tank now as we just switched from basic lighting to mh with pc combo. I honestly don't want to try it with the 1000s I have spent in order to keep corals on a hundred dollar fish. Although they are georgeous and I LOVE angels, I think that when keeping a reef you should base your thoughts the same as with keeping fish. Are they really happy? Anyways.. just my 2 cents.