Dwarf Angels in a Reef Tank?

nyy fan

I am pretty sure I remember a thread talking about different dwarf angels being hazardous for reef tanks....
I found this on the SWF.com section about Dwarf Angels:
FLAME ANGELFISH - The Flame Angel is one of the most recognized Dwarf Angelfish on the market by its striking red color with black vertical lines down its body. It originates from the Pacific. This fish is a perfect purchase for either the fish-only tank or the reef aquarium. However, it will feel most comfortable in the reef tank. It loves swimming through rockwork looking for food. Its color, under the right lighting, is unsurpassed. This fish can be readily found in pet stores at above average prices. It is a hardy specimen that enjoys all foods, especially greens. The Flame Angelfish will not pick at corals or invertebrates. When purchasing look for undamaged fins, clear eyes, unblemished skin, and good coloring in the face.
What is the truth? Flame Angel in our out of reef tanks? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


I have a Flame in my 30g with xenia, finger leathers, open brain, and a red sponge. He has never picked at anything and seems to only care about frozen brine and even eats flakes. I say get it. He's the first thing people notice when they see my tank. He gets plenty of oohs and ahhs.


no such thing as a reef safe angel. Dwarfs are reef safe with caution. Which means they may or may not be reef safe it just depends on the character of the one you purchase. They are great fish but make sure you can take it back if you buy one just in case it isn't a vegetarian.
personally, an angel fish is a angel fish!! i would NEVER, EVER, put ANY angel fish in any of my reef tanks!! no matter if it's a dwarf or not! you never know if it will eat your corals or not for sure. it's just in their blood to eat polyps and other coral! try to stay away from them. it's best to be safe then sorry. ;)


my Pygmy Engel doing fine in my reef tank
He eat all kind of food I fed him
Frozen BS
Frozen Plakton
Formular One
soaked with Zoecon
and he nipping at live rock for micro algea, I think

nyy fan

I guess my question is why would SWF.com put that out if it's not advisable?
Any Sharks reading this? What do you guys think? What have been your experiences or things you've heard about Flame Angels?

nm reef

Active Member
I am not a shark.....and I've never had a flame angel...but....
I have had a coral beauty in my reef for well over 9 months. Same caution applies to mine as to a flame ....they have been known to nip at corals and may become a problem. Mine has not!!! It is in a 55 reef with well over 30 corals to pick from but has never bothered any of them. The caution is that although they are in general considered reef safe...some specimens can become a problem. Take one in at your own risk!!! As for mine...its staying...a truely beautiful fish...as is the flame angel.Lots of creatures we keep come with applicable cautions....corals/crabs/shrimp....heck choose what you want to keep....research the needs as they apply....get all the info you can and then make an educated informative decision. I've found in this hobby there are no set in concrete guarentees(except that you will spend money...*_^)

richard rendos

Active Member
My Flame Angel has been in my 120 reef for over 3 years. He (or she) has never picked at anything except the food offered to him and nori on a veggie clip. I have mushrooms, polyps, blastomussa, gorgonians, and stonies. Every angel is going to have different behavior from every other. I am just lucky I guess.


the flame and coral beauty dwarf angels are supposed to be the most reef safe of all the angels but there is a possibility they may pick at someting. i have seen some display reef tanks and most of them have the flame angel in them and no problems. it is a hit or miss thing

car guy

almost every dwarf angel is reef safe with caution, they may pick at polyps in smaller tanks but as tank size increases the less you have to worry


Active Member
I've had a pygmy angel in my reef...he was fine. never bothered a thing. I think, it's like many fish in this hobby...some will be great some will tear ur corals apart.


i have had an atlantic pygmy angel in my 33 gallon reef and he never bothered anything. I am not getting a flameback angel to put in my reef since my other one had a run in with HLLE and bit the big one.


I was wondering, if I decided to get a flame angel would it be more likely to pic at a coral that is newly added to the tank just because it's something new and interesting? Would I have a better chance with it if all the corals where already in the tank? Not that they ever will be complete.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYY Fan
I guess my question is why would SWF.com put that out if it's not advisable?
Any Sharks reading this? What do you guys think? What have been your experiences or things you've heard about Flame Angels?
Why are some people referred to as "sharks"?
Is that like the tang police? :thinking:


Originally Posted by alyssia
Why are some people referred to as "sharks"?
Is that like the tang police? :thinking:
No, it's like they have over 10 thousand posts (not sure if they also hafta be a mod though...)and if they don't have the answers, they know where to direct you, therefor they are usually trusted in their opinion.
My african flameback is reefsafe. Not just mine, but that type of dwarf angel is reef safe. If there was a 50/50 shot with mine, I never woulda added him.


Active Member
i have also heard that flames and coral beauties are the reef "safest". i have seen many tanks with either of these fish in them without a problem. i had an eibli angel for a few months, he was devastating!