Dwarf Angels


New Member
I need confirmation from the list that I am correct on this.
Last night at my LFS I was asking about a Half Black angel and if it would be alright with my Lemon Peel, too see what answer he would give me. Now, from everything I've read and been told, you should never try to put Dwarf Angels together in the same tank. The guy at the LFS, who usually is pretty good and knows his stuff, continued to argue with me and insisted that Dwarfs are fine in the same tank. He insisted that I was wrong. The only thing he did have going for him was that the Half Black was in the same tank as a Coral Beauty.
Who is right?


Active Member
From my reading (not experience), half blacks and coral beauties are pretty peaceful, even towards other angels. Lemonpeels on the other hand are not. I've been thinking about where I want to go with my tank after the holidays, and I was reading about keeping multiple angels. I wanted a coral beauty, a flame angel, and a lemonpeel. The info from this site says that lemonpeels can be aggressive towards other dwarf angels, so they should not be kept with other angels of similar size.
75g Reef
My Site


You might want to try it. If you are going to, I would suggest you can them at the same time and introduce them together. If you get one before the other, rearrange your tank to confuse the first one and I think it'll be ok. Just make sure your tank is mature and you have a lot of hiding spaces. Good luck and let us know.


New Member
Lemonpeels are tough. I had one with a flame, but added them at the same time. It worked out fine, but I pushed my luck and tried to add a bicolor angel the lemonpeel would not stop picking (more like killing) on the bicolor. I ended up returning it to the store for a credit.

the bluedevil

New Member
You will have better luck if the Angels are not even close to the same coloring. A Lemonpeel Angel and a Midnight Angel will get along better than Coral Beauty. The Half Black and Coral Beauty have very differnt coloring. Adding them at the same time is also a good idea so they will both have to setup territories together.


Active Member
If you have LR/LS in your tank with plenty of places for the two to avoid each other when they want to, you'll be fine. the issue is usually when you interduce them into the tank.
I had a Bicolor and a Flame and since the two were so different in color and look they got along just fine. Every once in a while they chased each other - but not much.

the bluedevil

New Member
Forgot to add, read this.
The Half Black is a closely related to the Lemon Peel so its not a good idea to keep them in the same tank. Maybe if your tank was alot
bigger it might be doable. I wouldnt risk it.
I have a Half Black in my 46 with a Coral Beauty and they dont have a problem my Tomato
clown doesnt care for the Half Black much though. As for the Lemonpeel my LFS said they were very difficult to keep in anything smaller than 150 with lots and lots of LR :)


I have a lemon peel in a 20gal FO tank with a hawaiian sharpnose puffer. They have been in there for over a year. All I have is a Aqua clear 300 for a filter, no protein skimmer either. I do water changes maybe once a month. I guess I'm just lucky.