dwarf angels


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpro32
yes this is all the research phase. No fish yet...
I have about 140 lbs lr but of course not all of it will be used. I'll probably end up distibuting 100 lbs throughout the display and the 20g sump.
My tank is drilled and elbowed up at the top with a 1 inch standpipe and the return is a quiet one 4000 which will be used externally. Besides the return I have a mj 1200. I'm not going to be keeping corals any time soon so I do not need a ton of flow.
Substrate will be live sand. I have 70 lbs of sugar-sized but probably wont be using all of it. I was planning on a 1-2 bed.
Did I miss anything??
Thanks a ton by the way
Sounds great, you have a really good plan in place for a good system. As to when to introduce....You have 3 fish on your propsed list that arefairly hardy (V Puffer, Dwarf Lion, and SFE). If you end up with a Maroon Clown, they are hardy as well. I would wait on the Angel until the tank is somewhat established, say 3 or 4 months in. I would do the Eel last, if you do the Lion before you do the Angel, just make sure its a little guy.
Just be patient in adding fish.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Sounds great, you have a really good plan in place for a good system. As to when to introduce....You have 3 fish on your propsed list that arefairly hardy (V Puffer, Dwarf Lion, and SFE). If you end up with a Maroon Clown, they are hardy as well. I would wait on the Angel until the tank is somewhat established, say 3 or 4 months in. I would do the Eel last, if you do the Lion before you do the Angel, just make sure its a little guy.
Just be patient in adding fish.

Patients I have, I bought this tank 6 months ago and I am now plumbing it and taking care of everything after all of my research.
On the eel though, I heard that they are EXTREMELY timid while acclimating so I should put him in near the beginning to make sure he can eat.. I could be wrong because this was some time ago. But to combat that couldn't I just drop the food literally right next to the eel and that would solve the problem?? Maybe zip tie a plastic fork to a piece of pvc to spot it??


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpro32
Patients I have, I bought this tank 6 months ago and I am now plumbing it and taking care of everything after all of my research.
On the eel though, I heard that they are EXTREMELY timid while acclimating so I should put him in near the beginning to make sure he can eat.. I could be wrong because this was some time ago. But to combat that couldn't I just drop the food literally right next to the eel and that would solve the problem?? Maybe zip tie a plastic fork to a piece of pvc to spot it??
Feeding Tongs are an eels best friend, they don't see very well. I would put him in last though, they are "timid" at first but extremely hardy, and have been known to get a bit aggressive with food competitors.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Feeding Tongs are an eels best friend, they don't see very well. I would put him in last though, they are "timid" at first but extremely hardy, and have been known to get a bit aggressive with food competitors.
works for me.. Thanks KJR