Dwarf lion and other...

Whats the smallest tank size you can keep a dwarf lion at? Hopefully Im not asking something really stupid but can I keep a dwarf lion in a 10 gal? From seeing they dont get that big and barely move at all, so would be ok? Or what other agressive fish/invert would be ok for my 10 gal?


Active Member
Even though they are called 'dwarfs' a fuzzy can easily hit 5", some get even larger. IMO, a 3' long tank is an absolute minimum. Why not do a mantis shrimp in your 10g? Bo
I thought so, I dont want to do a mantis because the tank is in my room and the clacking sound would really freak me out, also the risk of that thing breaking the tank would really suck, but I would probably do a pair of shrimp, or lobster. Would a pair of lobsters then be ok?


Active Member
There is a very little chance a mantis will break the glass in the tank, I mean little. Honestly, the clicking isn't too bad either....Bo