Dwarf lion fish question


Active Member
I am currently filling my brand new 125g tank :jumping: It has been a long haul. I have had the tank for 3 months, but had to wait on the stand---so beautiful
it is custom made out of solid oak, no veneer!! Okay the question, have any of you had good results by feeding your lions silverslides, frozen of course. I really do not want to start having to feed any of my new inhabitants any living fish. Brine shrimp okay, but not living fish.
I just don't have the heart. :scared: I would love to have one, but the idea of feeding him scares me. Please reply.


New Member
Originally Posted by Anonome
I am currently filling my brand new 125g tank :jumping: It has been a long haul. I have had the tank for 3 months, but had to wait on the stand---so beautiful
it is custom made out of solid oak, no veneer!! Okay the question, have any of you had good results by feeding your lions silverslides, frozen of course. I really do not want to start having to feed any of my new inhabitants any living fish. Brine shrimp okay, but not living fish.
I just don't have the heart. :scared: I would love to have one, but the idea of feeding him scares me. Please reply.

sorry to say but thats life


Active Member
my dwarf lion fish eats freeze dried shrimp he wont eat the frozen and he doesnt eat silversides. my eel eats only silversides the puffer will eat anything he can get his mouth on none of mine eat live food even though i practically begged them to eat the damsels they didnt eat the cleaner shrimp i had in with them for a month before i caught it and moved it to a different tank. i dose the tank with vitamins cause im a firm beleiver in vitamins and sometimes i soak the food in garlic


my dwarf eats krill. the krill is fortified with vitamins as well. he takes it from my hand whenever he's hungry.


Active Member
This is awesome!!!! :jumping: I really love these fish and was thinking about getting one if only they would take "dead" food. How long did it take you to get him to eat these things. I really want one, so please help me out :help: