Dwarf Lion in a 29g.....yeah or nay??


Whaddup ya'll,
As some of you may have read in my first post here, I'm back in Marine after years.
Like many or most in this hobby, I'm already having serious second thoughts about a 29 gallon Marine. I remember how much easier a 155 was in the long run. Anyway....
I'm going to eventually do a 155 Bow(or maybe a 300+ in wall) in my lady and I's next house. In the meantime I've decided to keep running this 29 that I've setup and I'm going to setup a 40Breeder with Coral-life Compact floros in a couple weeks.
My 29 gallon is cycling - an incredible rate(rowater, 34lbs various live rock, 20lbsArgoLive and 10lbs Fl. LS). I wanna do something different with this relatively small tank..
So......I've decided to do a 29gallon agressive. I've had Lions(Volitans) in the past before I turned my big tank into a Fish/reef. Could I put a Dwarf Lion in my 29? What other species would work that he wouldn't munch?


Active Member
Some may disagree, but I say a single dwarf lion in a 29g by himself is a 'yea'. It's a little under the suggested tank size, but if he is all by himself and you have adequate filtration, he'll be fine.
It'll be a little harder to maintain due to the stability of the water being lower due to less overall gallons, but I had a dwarf live for years in a 29g tank. But my dwarf was all by himself, and I did have enough filtration on it to handle a 90g tank, so that helps a lot.:yes:


Active Member
I see no problems with the lion being alone in a 29. Just make sure you get a good bit of live rock, good flow, and a strong skimmer.


Whaddup guys,
BIG thanks to MorayM and Lion_crazz!:D
Well guys, I just can't c myself with a 29 Gallon(high) saltwater tank. Aquascraping? What Aquascarping. All I can do is build a brick wall I've decided to go ahead and buy a 40gallong BReeder this week. IME the 40-breeder stomps all over a standard 55 in Aquascaping. I'd build a canopy and stand myself out of some nice oak, but I don't have the time. So, I'll just buy a regular cheap black canopy and stand. I'm going to turn my 29 into a Freshwater Clown Knife tank(SWEET).
A friend of mine has a brand new Marineland Sea-Clone Protein Skimmer rated to 100g. that he wants to sell me cheap IME, everything from Marineland ranges from good-great so I'm assuing it wil be a pretty good skimmer. Then I'm getting the 170Watt Coralife Compact floro for lighting for said tank and I also wanna setup a sump. My light penetration should be KICK ASS and my filtration should be awesome. Oh yeah, and a nice powerhead of course.
I wouldn't mind running a Emperor Carbon filter to for water clarity and more cirulation too. Then just using Kent Essential Elements to replace lost elements from the skimmer and carbon.
I bet a Dwarf lion would be rocking and rolling in the above mentioned setup. I can always 86 him in trade to the LFS if I get tied of the lonesome tank.
Peace Ya'll.