Dwarf Lion question


I have a 10 gallon nano and wasnt sure what kind of tank to make it into. I had a idea today but dont know if it will work. Could i put a dwarf lion in a 10gl tank? If so i guess i prabably wouldnt put really anything else in, I was concerned on the size of the tank but i do know these fish do not swim much so thought it might work. ANy suggestions...


Sorry, man!!! 10 gallons is way too small, even for a slow moving dwarf. They create way too much waste. I wouldn't go anything less than 30 gallons for a single dwarf lion and nothing else. Keep the 10 gallon as a nano if you like, but no aggressive fish will survive in a tank that small. I keep 2 volitans in a 150 gallon tank and I think that's kind of small just for those two fish! My suggestion is to get a bigger tank if you want to keep a happy dwarf lion.


Ya the more i looked on here and searched on the internet i found out it was a pretty crappy idea. Thanks for the help anyways and


Active Member
The best suggestion for that small of a tank is maybe a pair of small ocellaris clowns or a few damsels.