kjord97 I have had my fuzzy dwarf in my 125 reef tank for about 6 months now. Doing awsome!!!!! Took my dwarf about a month to actually come out of his home. I started intising him with ghost shrimp. Now he stays out and is always swiming around. I think he ate my pepermint shrimp, but my cleaner is always cleaning the dwarf. Currently I am feeding ghost shrimp and guppies, just 1 food item every 2-3 days. I have tried frozen alot, only got him to take some mysis once. As far as putting my hands in the tank, I always look to see where he is, and if he is around, he usally hides once he sees my hand. IF YOU HAPPEN TO GET STUNG, hold the affected area under running HOT HOT water. DO NOT TAKE benadryl. It is like a really bad bee sting, and the hot water breaks down the poision. If pain persist, you should go to hospital for x rays, just to make sure part of the spine did not break off into the affected area. I will get a pic of him later this evening when i get home. When i was trollin on here and I saw MURPH's yellow fuzzy, I said to myself, I have to have one. I searched for about 1 month till I found yellowish one. I have the following fish him.
1 yellow tang
1 salifin tang
1 blue hippo tang
2 mated marrons
2 green chromis
1 clown goby
1 3 strip damsel
1 blue/yellow damsel
1 mandrin
1 purple spot goby
1 Fuzzy Dwarf Lion
Good luck
I really appreciate your help Kjord97, well im sold I will be picking him up today...only one thing i was thinking while reading ure post, the dwarf never went after your chromis? How big is he? Also thanks in advance for the posion prevention lol :joy: