Dwarf Lion


Ok I know this sounds crazy but I would like to add a dwarf lion to my tank...i can get one that is about a inch..i have a 125 gallon tank with 2 fully grown perc clowns, a blue hippo, a kole tang with 1 fully grown fire red shrimp and 1 fully grown caramel shrimp...now would it be ok? oh by the way I have a leather coral with a bubble tip anemoe, mushrooms and zoos? would there be any problems?


Active Member
well heres a pic of mine hes never been a problem until yesterday i tried adding a pearly jawfish and he swallowed him whole never had a problem before but he wanted the jawfish for some reason
i also have small lyertail anthias he pays no attention too and my cleaner shrimp actually cleans him all the time
just watch out when they do get bigger they have big mouths mines about 3.5"


Active Member
i have one 1" false percula clown
a mandarin dragonet
asmall lawn mower blenny
5 lyertail anthias
hippo tang
yellow tang
siscor tail goby
and the lion


ok cool so i guess ill pick him up tomorrow...i plan on feeding him guppies brine shrimp..anything else to keep him happy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
mine eats frozen food from brine to mysid to squid to formula 1 and 2
and jawfish.
sorry. lol
i was thinking of putting in my reef. but he seems kinda weak when it comes to being able to handle a lot of flow when he was in QT. and i have like a 33X turnover rate in my reef. so i put him in my fowlr.
how does yours dow ith all the flow murph?


cool thanks...for the advice murph hopefully mine will thrive as good as ures..i will update u's in about a week :jumping:


one more question how do u manuver in the thank without the fear of getting stinged by him? just curious because if i want to move rocks or add corals and such i would like to have a set plan in place. Do you use any type of special gloves to put ure hands in the tank?


I have had my fuzzy dwarf in my 125 reef tank for about 6 months now. Doing awsome!!!!! Took my dwarf about a month to actually come out of his home. I started intising him with ghost shrimp. Now he stays out and is always swiming around. I think he ate my pepermint shrimp, but my cleaner is always cleaning the dwarf. Currently I am feeding ghost shrimp and guppies, just 1 food item every 2-3 days. I have tried frozen alot, only got him to take some mysis once. As far as putting my hands in the tank, I always look to see where he is, and if he is around, he usally hides once he sees my hand. IF YOU HAPPEN TO GET STUNG, hold the affected area under running HOT HOT water. DO NOT TAKE benadryl. It is like a really bad bee sting, and the hot water breaks down the poision. If pain persist, you should go to hospital for x rays, just to make sure part of the spine did not break off into the affected area. I will get a pic of him later this evening when i get home. When i was trollin on here and I saw MURPH's yellow fuzzy, I said to myself, I have to have one. I searched for about 1 month till I found yellowish one. I have the following fish him.
1 yellow tang
1 salifin tang
1 blue hippo tang
2 mated marrons
2 green chromis
1 clown goby
1 3 strip damsel
1 blue/yellow damsel
1 mandrin
1 purple spot goby
1 Fuzzy Dwarf Lion
Good luck


Active Member
i have a lawnmower blenny, three damsels and two clowns....do u think if i get a lionfish or something along these lines that he would get my damsels? i really want to get my damsels out of the tank but i would like to keep my clowns.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i have a lawnmower blenny, three damsels and two clowns....do u think if i get a lionfish or something along these lines that he would get my damsels? i really want to get my damsels out of the tank but i would like to keep my clowns.....

i also have a cleaner shrimp...


kjord97 I have had my fuzzy dwarf in my 125 reef tank for about 6 months now. Doing awsome!!!!! Took my dwarf about a month to actually come out of his home. I started intising him with ghost shrimp. Now he stays out and is always swiming around. I think he ate my pepermint shrimp, but my cleaner is always cleaning the dwarf. Currently I am feeding ghost shrimp and guppies, just 1 food item every 2-3 days. I have tried frozen alot, only got him to take some mysis once. As far as putting my hands in the tank, I always look to see where he is, and if he is around, he usally hides once he sees my hand. IF YOU HAPPEN TO GET STUNG, hold the affected area under running HOT HOT water. DO NOT TAKE benadryl. It is like a really bad bee sting, and the hot water breaks down the poision. If pain persist, you should go to hospital for x rays, just to make sure part of the spine did not break off into the affected area. I will get a pic of him later this evening when i get home. When i was trollin on here and I saw MURPH's yellow fuzzy, I said to myself, I have to have one. I searched for about 1 month till I found yellowish one. I have the following fish him.
1 yellow tang
1 salifin tang
1 blue hippo tang
2 mated marrons
2 green chromis
1 clown goby
1 3 strip damsel
1 blue/yellow damsel
1 mandrin
1 purple spot goby
1 Fuzzy Dwarf Lion
Good luck
I really appreciate your help Kjord97, well im sold I will be picking him up today...only one thing i was thinking while reading ure post, the dwarf never went after your chromis? How big is he? Also thanks in advance for the posion prevention lol :joy:


Active Member
Well Murph, you and I can both cry together. My bicolor blenny is missing today and guess whom the culprit is?? My dear fuzzy dwarf lionfish. I am pretty sure she has decided that it was a nice pretty appetizer. I am so mad at myself for this, I should have picked the bigger blenny in the store. My lion was sold to me on frozen foods completely but I guess it is only natrual for them to hunt down live prey. So when I see gobies and blennies listed with lionfish now I kind of shutter but hey, some folks just might have the luck. Obviously I did not....



Hey Murph....
What kind of lionfish is that, the color is so pretty? Or is it because under the lights.


Originally Posted by Scarface
I really appreciate your help Kjord97, well im sold I will be picking him up today...only one thing i was thinking while reading ure post, the dwarf never went after your chromis? How big is he? Also thanks in advance for the posion prevention lol :joy:

Here is a pic of mine, he is about 3 inchs long. My dwarf spent his first month in the tank hiding, I only saw him about 5 mins a day. I think that is when he was snackin on my peppermint shrimps.


Active Member
mine seems fine in the flow he just kinda stays perched somewhere most of the time then decides to swim around then perch somewhere again...
mines al3ways in the open id say at least 95% of the time u can readily see him perched somewhere
u just have to watch out for the lion fish when ur moving stuff around i kinda push him outta the area before i move a coral or anything dont wanna get poked u know


Whats Good, I Don't Know Anyone From Ny. What Kind Of Set-up Do You Have? Maybe You Can Help Me- Or Vice Versa. Holla


Do you people feed guppies too? I know dwarf lions are harder to feed but won't that cause a slow and painful death? Causing liver enlargement and failure? Like in a voiltain if you feed the fresh water food. I feed mine krill, zoo plankton, shrimp and squid. Something low in fat and high in vitamins. Guppies are fatty and no nutrietent. I'm suprised no one said anything. When i first got on here i got a good typing lashing for feed mine guppies. I had him for two days and then wouldn't feed him until he ate krill. It took two days of starving him. He will eat anything now. Like a puppy dog when i come around.


Active Member
i duno mine always ate frozen foods from day one i never had to feed him fresh water guppies just frozen krill, squid, brine, mysid, and the formulas