dwarf lion


Active Member
i had a dwarf lion he ate small guppies they are harder to keep then the volitans or the other bigger lions mine had some sort of disease and died in QT and well you know they are good fish if they aernt sick ill paste some info on them
The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish, is also called the Shortfin Lionfish or simply the Dwarf Lionfish. It has red, white, and black vertical stripes along the body with large, fan-like pectoral fins and tall, quill-like dorsal fins. The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish is appropriately named because of its full fins. Dendrochirus zebra may also be called the Dwarf Lionfish.
A 30 gallon or larger aquarium with numerous hiding places is suitable. It will hide while acclimating to its new environment. The top spines are venomous, causing reactions similar to a bee sting. The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish is a personable fish that quickly recognizes and responds to its owners presence.
The Dwarf Lionfish diet consists of meaty foods such as live shrimp (including ornamental shrimp), live fish, and sometimes, crustacean flesh.
Copyright Drs.Foster And Smith Live Aquaria


Will he be ok with 2 clowns, a lemmon peel angel, a yellow damsel and an anonme? Heres a pic of the tank should have pleny of hiding spots lots of lr, im getting a regal tang soon then im gonna add a clean up crew, he wont get as big as my puffer, thats why i had to get rid of my pp puffer


I dont want anyone freaking out on me but this is a 55 gal
2 clowns
1 yellow dam
1 dwarf lion
1 lem peel angel
1 anenome
i want to ad a regal tang
i have a fluval canister and 2 whisper filters 2 power heads adn 75 lbs of lr ...just took out the undergravel filter today thankds to the swf board ......so tell me am i going to be ok for a while....how big will the dwarf lion get....i hope he wont get as big as my pork puffer,,i had to get rid of him becuase he was so big, and i added a clown 2 days ago and he ate it, he didnt eat the big on thats been in there for 11 months he ate the brand new baby, and it pissed me off. so i told my girlfriend hes in jail now (lfs) :)


Almost all of the tangs are considered to get too large for a 55, but if you have a prior arrangement with your LFS for a trade-in arrangement eventually, you should be OK, at least for quite a while.
Your lion, by the way, isn't a fuzzy dwarf, but instead is the zebra dwarf, which we've found to be a little easier to switch over to frozen foods.
All of your tankmates look fine at present......one thing though...the clowns in the photo looked pretty small, so make sure to keep the lion well fed (eg ghost shrimp soaked in selcon) and don't try the starvation method once he's IN the tank with them.
It's been our experience that many to most will start taking silversides (if pieces, use the head portion w/eyes early on) even though there is live food offered.
We currently hae a maroon clown in a 125 with 8 lions and 3 scorpianfish (the clown's been there over 4 years, a left over from our unsuccessful reef attempt.....no willpower when it comes to feeding fish, so we know why the attempt failed)
The dwarf lions will remain in the 125, but the 3 larger species will be transferred to our 300 oncve they've reached suitable size.


Sorry to say that but i dont recommend u a tang to buy, i am not telling this for the fish's health, i am saying this for u, in a 55 he ll ALWAYS have white spots on him, and this spots ll go to other fish, and this ll drive u crazy!! There is a very suitable fish for your aquarium, they re dwarf angel, very colourful and nice! But becareful w/ your fuzzy dwarf, he ll be 7-8" and percula ll be eaten when your dwarf get this size, but u can change him w/ a maroon so that ll be very good,
Dwarfs re my favourite,
Good Luck w/ Him,