dwarf lion


Well dwarf lions are kinda hard to get off live. Usually takes at least a month to convert them to krill. Its best to feed them 2-3 times a week, and don't over feed. Lions are known to keep eating when feed, some even become very obeese and this is not good for them at all. Good luck with 'em.


my dwarfs dont like krill. if feed them silverside, squid, coctail shrmp and mysis shrimp. what is your temp and how fast do you want them to grow.


What do you mean you don't want him to grow? Its not good to purposely stun his growth, thats very bad for them. Ever see people with Tangs in 20gal tanks that say....hmmmm lemme see if I can not feed him so he doesn't get that big in my tank. NO! :mad:


i don't want him to be any larger than his gene's would normally allow him to be, hence i don't want a fat fish, what would be there natural feeding pattern ? am trying to get him onto krill cause i've read feeding guppies and goldfish with leave them malnutritioned


Your correct about the guppies and goldfish. Just checking...i was getting a little worried there. In the wild their feeding varies obviously, but i have heard 3 times a week is good.


thanks, i use to have a volitan lion about a year and a half ago, he took to krill extremely well. with him initially i had to spend some time inducing him with the krill. he also lived higher up in the water column (planktonic). Will the dwarf lion scavenge for food near the bottom or am i going to have to get him to come up to the top to eat ???? what i mean is if there is food for him on the bottom floor of the tank will he eat it ??


Dwarf lions are normally perched on rock work. They tend to be more of a bottom dweller than a surface dweller. However, I had a fuzzy dwarf lion that accepted whatever i threw in the tank. I got him trained (sort of a conditioned response thing) so he knew when i was feeding him. Currently all my fish are trained because i have my closet right next to the tank and that is where i get their food from. Even when i go in to get some clothes all of them are in the corner begging for food. My lion was the same way.


while the dwarf lion is being nurtured on shrimp and krill could you see him possible attacking anything else in my tank, everything is approximately his size or bigger


Well it looks like your clowns and damsels are fine for the time being. Just keep in mind they have a pretty fast growth rate. As long as the lion doesn't grow too rapidly you shouldn't have a problem. Because you have a dwarf lion your damsel and clown should be fine together because the max size on your dwarf is about 6 inches. Damsels and clowns get big enough where your dwarf, even full grown can't fit them in his mouth.


The Zebra dwarf and the fu-manchu tend to be the most difficult to keep of the bunch. Fuzzy dwarfs seem to do the best of the dwarf family. The quality lately of the zebras don't seem to be as good as they used to, so if you go with these make sure you keep a close eye on them. If possible you would want to hold them in the LFS' tank for at least a week or two and make sure he's eating well or dying. The other lion that is a possibility depending on tank size is the radiata lion. These lions would need around a 55-75gal to keep happy, because these border the full-size/dwarf lion chart.


at 80*F i would feed him maybe 3 times a week. at a lower temp you dont have to feed as much that makes it grow slower and less chance of break out of disease. this dose not hurt the fish. i do this to my lions and never had a problem in my 6 yr of keeping them.


put some grocery shrimps, scallops, carrot, galic (just a little), nori, and whatever you want it to eat in a blender and then add a little water, pour the mix in a ziplock bag, spread it thin enough so that you can break it into little pieces, put it in the frige. Feed your lion whenever you see its stomach really needs something to stuff in :) It might doesn't like the food at first, so let him be hungry for a few days, then feed him Good luck


I read post and seen the "closet feeders" way up there. I used to feed mine at about 7:30- 8:00 in the evening. I always sat down with a beer and fed them. It was my chill watch the fish have a beer time. They decided if they seen a beer can in hand it meant food. Never shared before cause I thought I was maybe imagining it somewhat. They only so it on silver cans. Coke or dew doesn't work. I am just glad someone else has fish with messed up feeding thoughts.


I thought it was hilarious. Its all about conditioned response. My mom freakin amost died laughing when she saw what they did. And its not like they casually swim over, they BOLT over.