Dwarf lionfish and clowns?


New Member
I posted this is in fish category and maybe i'll get a little more action on this side. Is it possible for dwarf lions and clowns to live together. i keep getting mixed reviews from my lfs and i dont know which direction to move in. thank you for help in advance.


Active Member
what tank size is that
Originally Posted by yerboy
i have a dwarf lion living with a GSM clown with no problems.


You can keep dwarf lions with clowns, but I would advise you go with a larger species of clown like "yerboy" did. Maroons or tomato clowns would be a good choice. I would also get the clown(s) first, and then add the lion. Make sure your lion is smaller than the clowns!!!!
My fuzzy dwarf tried to eat a green chromis that was the same size as her even though she couldnt get it down. Luckily I was standing there and knocked on the glass... She spit it out and the chromis made it but who knows what would've happened had I not been standing there. Good luck.


Active Member
My clown was in the tank first. about 6 months before the lion was added. Both the clown and lion are about the same size "about 3in".
I also have a small clown goby in the tank and believe it or not the lion doesn't even bother him. I get 20 feeder guppys a week and put in a few every day and both the lion and clown eat them.
they are in a 12 gallon aquapod , you can see pics here


Probaby not in the long run... Oh and dont feed them guppies. Fresh water feeders are bad for lions. If yours eats guppies you should start training him as soon as possible to eat off a feeder stick. I'm still training mine... I've only had him about 2 weeks.


Active Member
ive been working with the feeder stick for about 3 months and have yet to get him to take anything from it.


Active Member
Try not feeding your lion for a week or two so that he's hungry then try the feeder stick, waving it around a little or maybe dropping in a feeder with some frozen food at the same time.


I think thats what I'm going to do. I havent tried feeding her with the stick in a few days and I know she hasnt eaten anything large in a few days (that was the last time she ate a green chromis). When I went into the tank this afternoon to pick up a frag that got knocked over I scared the remaining damsels into her corner... She bit at them a few times. Wonder if I should try the stick tonight?


Originally Posted by yerboy
I get 20 feeder guppys a week and put in a few every day and both the lion and clown eat them.
holy crap, your clown eats guppies?


Active Member
I keep my fuzzy with a Sebae clown. No problems here. I had trouble getting mine to eat so here is what I did. I bought a small peppermint shrimp ($3 each down here) then skewered it onto the feeding stick, put it near her and she went right for it. After that a couple times I switched to krill and it worked like a charm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix
holy crap, your clown eats guppies?
yeah both of my GSM Clowns have done that. Im telling you GSM clowns are the devil!


Peppermint shrimp are 10 bucks each here! I need to move to Florida! I might use that trick with some ghost shrimp... It might work I suppose. Did you stick it so that it was still squirming around?