Dwarf Lionfish


New Member
I recently bought a dwarf lionfish for my tank, however, I have be unsuccessful in feeding him. To date, I have offered him Brine shrimp, Krill, Plankton, but to no avail. I even tried pipe feeding him. If anyone has any insight about the eating habits of these fish please let me know. He has not eaten in 3 days so I'm getting concerned. Also, when I added him he was pecked at a few times by my trigger and my eel, they were both stung, but seem to be fine, does a dwarf lion have the ability to kill another fish larger than him with his venom?


Active Member
Triggers are no good with lions. The will nip at his fins as you already experienced. Try offering it some live ghost shrimp. They might not eat for a few days.


New Member
I have a unusually affable Bursa trigger, hes our most lively fish, and he has left the lion alone since the first encounter, plus my trigger is pretty young, I've only had him about a month. He has been living great with a regal tang, flame angelfish, snowflake eel, and a dwarf spotted puffer. Am I in for a rude awakening?



Originally posted by mvp4zo
Am I in for a rude awakening?

Its quite possible that er trigger will kill the lion. They dont mix well. Also, yer tank might implode from being overly bioloaded. Some of those fish will have to go in a few monthes. BUT.... a trigger can be fine, and then one day just discover that the lion has soft, chewable fins and will munch away Not a pretty sight. You should be fine with most of those fish actually, just get rid of the regal tang. A 55 is not big enough for it, even if it is really small. In a few monthes itll freak. Also, watch the spotted puffer; wat they lack in size they make up for in vicousness. That oen might go after the lion as well.


New Member
What if I were to upgrade to a larger tank, I could fit a 75 gallon, but that would be as large as I could go for now. Would the regal tang fit in that, and would it prevent fighting between the fish I already have? ie puffer, trigger, and dwarflion?


New Member
Would it be possible for me to grow some mushrooms or perhaps a chocolate chip starfish in my tank? I've heard mixed reviews about them living with triggers and puffers.