Dwarf Lions


Active Member
Hey everyone im considering getting a dwarf lion and wanted to know a little bit about them, could anyone fill me in on them possibly anyone with first hand experience with them. thanx all info is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Dwarf Lions are a great fish. They will not bother anything in the tank, as long as they don't fit in the lion's mouth. Dwarfs only grow to be about 4-7" in size. The only drawback to them is that they are very finicky eaters, and you may have to feed him ghost shrimp for 3 or 4 weeks until you can adjust him onto frozen. Lions are a very cool fish though. When you go to buy it in the store, definitely make sure it is eating before you purchase it! I highly recommend this. If he is not eating, do not purchase him.


Finicky is a good word. I have had one for over a year, it still will not touch prepared food. All it eats is live ghost shrimp. Putting a feeding stick in the tank will cause it to run and hide although it will eat live food from my hand. other than that though they are a really good fish, provided you have adequite filtration and a readily availible food source(I have a dock so i cheat). Steer away from FuManChus as they are the hardest of the lions to get eating, as is alot of time they refuse all food, even live.


Active Member
hey thanx alot guys, i am seriously considering one now, but i just need to use a better filtration first. any suggestions for a decent filtration of a 50 gallon tank? would a cascade or emperor or penguin filter work well enough?


You will need a skimmer for sure. Lions are messy eaters. You might try a wet/dry if this is going to be a fish only tank, I have heard wet/drys are not good for tanks although I havent experienced any difficulties with them with soft corals. I have also heard but not tried Fluidized Bed Filters, from the few feelers I have put out to evaluate them, everything coming back says they are awesome for FO and FOWLR tanks but not so great for reef tanks. Powerfilters are ok, again, it matters whether this is going to be FO or a reef. I would say go for it. I have a big emperor on my 65 and it does nicely.