hi im kinda new here at saltwaterfish.com and i have a question, I cant get my dwarf seahorses to breed, got them in a ten gallon tank inside of a smaller encloser used for holding injured fish to maximze the anout of bbs i have 2 males and 1 female with 2 dwarf pipes ive have them for about a month now and from the books i read it said they should have started to breed by now i check my parimeters and my salt is at 1.021 and the other levels are at 0. they have cheto in theyre tank and theree is filtration, do u think u can help me???! I have the lighting on for 12 hours a day because it said that this stimulates the time of year when they start breeding, the temp is kept around 72 degrees F, I feed them newly hatched bbs 2 times a day that i hatch