Dwarf Seahorses?


New Member
I am thinking that instead of a regular seahorse tank, I might just get a 10 gallon dwarf seahorse tank with a large breeding herd.
I would have lots of macro algae and some gorgonian coral.
I would need a brine shrimp hatchery though. Do you think that I could keep them in 2 two liter soda bottles and feed one in the morning and one at night then right after I feed the horses, I put some more eggs in and if I have temps of 80 degrees F, they will hatch in time for the next feeding? Will this work? I hope this makes sense to you, I kind of worded it funny.
Also I know that seahorses generally are species only creatures, but could I keep dwarfs and pygmies together? Don't they have similar needs and reach about the same size? Please correct me if I'm wrong on this one guys.
That's about it for now I'm sure I'll think of some other questions!
Thank You!


New Member
I'm assuming that these are different horses because some sites say that pygmies are smaller and then some say "dwarf, or pygmy seahorses..."


For Dwarfs I use 3 2 liter soda bottles. The first I hatch in. The second I enrich in. The third I store older ones. I keep it a continues rotation. I do it once a day. Could do it more though. I feed 3-6 times a day. If Im going to be home I feed smaller portions more often. If Im going somewhere for a day I feed morning, right before I leave and then right when I get home.
I have no experience with the larger seahorses, but I can tell you the dwarfs are so dang hard. Don't think you can rush it. If I could redo it I would have waited a full 6 months before getting them in my tank. I managed to kill my first 8 within a month because the bacteria couldn't keep up with the feedings.
As for the pygmies. I don't believe you can purchase them. I think the only small seahorse available are the dwarfs.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hedgehog123 http:///t/391894/dwarf-seahorses#post_3477545
So would you recommend just getting larger horses because its easier?
I would....The larger horses like Kuda, Reidi, and erectus are indeed much easier. HOWEVER...they need larger taller tanks. A chiller to keep the temp at around 74 is a must if your home gets warm. Warmer temps breeds disease and kills them. Choose ONLY captive bred horses that eat frozen mysis.

They are no harder to care for than regular fish. They have to kept only with very docile tankmates and their own kind, no mixing breeds. They should be fed 2Xs a day and the world won't end if they eat only one meal a day every once in a while.
I have a 56 tall tank, and a 90g tank with seahorses. I have never tried keeping dwarf horses, just keeping the food going is hard work...but they sure are cute, I might try keeping them some day.


I haven't had large seahorses but everyone say they are easier. You will need a chiller with dwarfs also. I think if you want dwarfs you can, but it's more work. One last thing I think the larger seahorses are nice because they are bigger. My kids don't enjoy the dwarfs as its hard for them to find them. Large seahorses seem to have more personality with the people around them. My dwarfs don't.


New Member
Thank you! I just might stick with my first plan to get larger ones , but if I change my mind again or have more questions I'll be sure to ask.