dyed "yellow" & dying anenomes in FL lfs!


New Member
Today I came across many large bright YELLOW sabea anenomes in my local lfs. The owner of the shop had just gotten them in from a distributor in Miami or Tampa. According to an article in a recent large aquatic publication...any yellow anenomes for sale have been dyed with tetracycline antibiotic to give them a yellow appealing color. These anenomes will surely die because the tetracycline destroys their zoothanthellae condeming them to a slow death. What convinced me was perfectly healthy WHITE sabea anenomes were placed in a tank next to the dyed ones. The owner of the lfs confirmed they were dyed anenomes but didn't no anything of there short life. He said "people love the yellow color and buy them". Please take warning of any bright yellow colored anenomes in your lfs. Anenomes have a hard enough time surviving in our tanks without being tampered with let alone being bleached with an antibiotic...

sodium, chlorine, hydrogen2, oxegen

I idnt know they were dyed! And a healthy seabe is not WHITE, It is more of a brownish color more than white.


That is just plain sick.
Why would they do this to an animal that already has a dismal survival rate in the aquarium? Never mind.....$$$$$$$$ :mad:


I've heard about that. Unfortunately, it was after I bought my sabae that was died yellow. But not BANANA yellow, but he's definately not white. Poor guy. :(


Active Member
yea... we had a batch of dyed seabe anemones up here last fall... sad. I think my LFS no longer orders from that supplier.


The sebae has one of the highest survival rates among natural clownfish hosting anemonies, I think only Bubblr Tips have a higher one. And I have recently had some rose bubble tips split in my 90 and am going to take them to the local lfs, he told me I could about $90 for each and I have 4 new splits so I am going to sell them all and keep the original 2 I started with, might buy a 400w MH retrofit for a 65 breeder I just got! We had some dyed yellow and dyed deep blue sebaes up here, they sold like hot cakes but I wonder how many lived. In my opinion pepole should think of what they're doing to a living animaal before they do something so drastic as to dye it, but I don't think that aquarists as a whole body make enough argument about it, if somebody dyed a puppy a bright purple that would be harmful to the puppy animal rights activists would be protesting and boycotting all over the news and streets, and in a sense thats what we are animal rights activists. Would would want to see their fav. fish just wither away in front of their eyes. Just my .02 guys I'm sure you aggree on this one!