Dying clownfish looks bloated


my false perc has been looking a little bit lethargic the last couple of days and I've noticed his stomach is a little bloated. Today he is looking much worse a bit pale and is not able to swim straight. He is dying I'm pretty sure. Anyone know what may cause these symptoms? He shows no sign of ich and has no spots or visible parasites. Debating pulling him out and freezing him to end his suffering. Please adives


Whenever there is something going wrong in your tank or with your fish, you must always post your parameters, as well as water temperature and other tankmates.

How long as your system been set up?
The answers to these questions may help us help you.


Ammonia 0
nitrates 0-5ppm
nitrites 0
ph 8.0
water temp 77
tank has been up for about 6 months
tank mates
1 foxface
1 fire goby
1 yellow watchman goby
1 coral beauty
1 yellow coris wrasse
1 serpent star
1 fire shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
1 cleaner shrim
snails and small hermit crabs
something to note. the clown would hang out by the foxface alot and I was always concerned he may bet stung by the foxface. Could this be caused by it's venom?


I just put him in a bag to inspect him closer. His gills are extremely red in color and he is extremely bloated. I think I am just going to put him in the freezer so he doesn't suffer any more but if anyone has any clue on what this may be a symptom of please let me know so I can try to combat any future problems.


Active Member
bloated stomach sounds like a swim bladder issue. did it swim crazy? if so, there doesn't seem to be much of a cure for swim bladder issues caused by infection. they can be caused by just about anything also--too much food, constipation, getting beat up. if you do a search for swim bladder disorder there's a pretty good write up in the disease forum.


Get a bucket with a heater(or a QT tank) and put him in with some Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish...that's what i did with my clown...cured him right up.


Yes he was swimming in circles kind of like a corkscrew pattern. Thanks for the info I will look it up as you suggested.