Dying electric Scallop??


New Member
I have an electric scallop that has appeared healthy until today. He seems to be deteriorating in his shell, any advise or help? everything else in the tank is fine ( 2 blue damsels, a sand sifter star and a clam). He is still alive because he flenches when he senses a shadow but he is not completely stretching out of his shell as he normally does and it appears he is deteriorating. (I moved him higher in the tank for better circulation in the pics, normally he sits on the ground)> what to do?



Active Member
what have you been feeding this specimen, they require the addittion of lots of phytoplankot in the water, they are 100 percent filter feeding, unless you are using a product such as dt's phytoplankton, that would explain why it has been okay for a while, but is now dieing, it has been slowly starving... It is recommended to spot feed this species like you would a young clam


New Member
Is looks as though his "filter" on the bottom has been shrinking/deteriorating? Im getting phytoplankton, any idea if he can recover from this? what exactly is spot feeding?


Active Member
Originally Posted by b-rock77
Is looks as though his "filter" on the bottom has been shrinking/deteriorating? Im getting phytoplankton, any idea if he can recover from this? what exactly is spot feeding?
Use something like a turkey baster or something else to squirt the phytoplankton in it's direction so you know it is getting enough.


New Member
that's what i figured spot feeding was, just wanted to be sure. Any thoughts on how to nurse him back to health (how often i should feed him). anyone know if he can recover?


Active Member
how long have u had urs? i have one i have had for a couple of months. he is on the sand bed and seems to be doing really good. they told me at lfs that if they are really open they are doing well. mine is always open and he is very very deep red. but there is one thing i noticed every now and then there is this white thing that comes out of him and it moves around the outside of the shell it is attached inside and goes back in when he closes. i just started seeing this recently does ur do this? also i use a air tube and i put zooplaycton and phytophest in there rotating them once a day. and he seems to be doing good.


I have a flame scallop and have noticed that white/brown thing that comes out of its mouth. Mine also moves around a lot and is pretty interesting to see it move. I feed mine phytofeast everyday, it even makes my inverts go crazy.