dying fish


I still have the hair algae problem and now one of my fish is in distress. I came home tonight and found my Blond Nasso Tang in the bottom corner of my tank:( It's obviously in distress. I'm not sure it's gonna make it til tomorrow.. Everyone else in the tank is happy and healthy looking. I didn't see any lesions or anything out of the ordinary on the tang. Could it be old age? I've had it about 6 months and yesterday it seemed fine. Every once in a while it moves around and then fals back into the corner almost floating on it's side. Gina


Active Member
Gina - you should post this in the disease forum so Beth or TerryB will see it. It could be anything. I don't know anything about your tank or how long you've had the tang.


Active Member
duh, sorry I missed that somehow. No that wouldn't be it unless it was full grown and no way to know how old.


thanks you 2 but too late. HE died sometime during the night. I have o idea why. It wasn't bloated, didn't have ick or bulging eyes or anything. Seemed totally normal. I had my water tested today and everything was exactly as it should be except that the ph was just a tad off. Not much though because it's been worse and I never had any problems. So far everything else seems ok but I will do a partial water change tomorrow anyway and keep an eye on things. Gina


Active Member
Sorry for your loss. You may never know what happened. Sometimes fish will get a bacterial infecton or some other type of disease that we don't recognize.


Thanks, i did a partial water change today. I hope everythings ok. I also had a lawnmower blenny and will be adding more to my clean-up crew. No one ever did answer my question before. I asked if anyone knew if fish sucked crabs out of their shells. I thought I saw my red emperor do that. gina