Dying Fungia


I already posted this question in the Coral forum, but there seems to be more on trading there than the kinds of answers I am looking for so that is why I am double posting. I hope someone can help.
I bought a new green Fungia coral about 1 week ago and now it is not expanding. For the first couple of days the coral was expanding very large and was quite beautiful. In the last couple of days it has been expanding less and less and now all it does is puff out it's tentacles and doesn't inflate at all. I thought I acclimated this coral long enough, but now I don't know if I did or what the problem is. I have tested my aquarium water completely and everything checks out fine. My lighting is 260 watts of daylight and actnic PC's. My flow is moderate. All the rest of my animals are doing awesome including an open brain coral. I would sure appreciate any suggestions that you can give me.


Active Member
the same thing happened to me. does it open at night? i noticed that mine would stay mostly closed except for the tentacles during the day, but at night it was fully expanded. i have been feeding it a lot more during the day, and it seems to have helped a little bit. where is it located in the tank?


The coral was opening durring the day when I first got it, but then it quit inflating. I checked on it at about 12:00 A.M. last night and it still wasn't inflated. I have tried to feed it, but I can't figure out a good way to do it. I think I am going to get a bulb and pipette from work and blow the food down to it, but if you have a better way to do it I am all ears. I also have only tried to feed it thawed, frozen brine shrimp so if there is something better to feed it I would be interested in knowing what. Thanks for your time.


I feed mine freeze dried krill a few times a month, or if I know people are coming over.. to make it look nicer and expanded I put a piece of krill right by its mouth opening and it just holds it down to it and eats it, I would try that, it helps to get it to expand... I doubt that its dying.. I have one under 150 watts of PC


I have a new problem with my Fungia. It still didn't inflate at all last night and now this morning I noticed a bunch of it tenticles have fallen off and are laying in the sand next to it. I don't know what to do and I hope that you guys can help. I really think there is a problem with this thing.


Sorry, I cant help u there.. seems like your little friend is on his way out.. sorry!