dying hermits


New Member
I'm new to this hobby. I have a 55 gallon that has been going for about 4-5 months. I have 2 percs, 1 lawnmower blenny,2 peppermint shrimp, 5 snails and about 7 hermits. I also have 40 lbs LR and 30 lbs LS. I use a Fluval 404 cannister filter. My parameters are ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 20, pH 8.2, Spec grav 1.024.
Everything has been going well for the last 2 months but this past week I have had 2 of my mid size hermits die during the night. I also think that I have some new hermits. Will hermits reproduce and what is their lifespan in a tank? Is this normal or do I need to be worried that something is killing the hermits. Everything else seems to be doing ok Any help would be appreciated. Also while your at iut any recs on my next fish? I think I am going to get a cleaner shrimp but would eventually like 0ne or two more fihs.


They might have got capture trying to leave their shell, this is what happened to mine. Do you have more empty shells in your tank? So that when they outgrow their old they can find a new home.:cool:


New Member
yes, I've got a good many more shells. When you say they might have gotten captured, what do you mean? Is one of my other critters likely to go after a hermit if he isn't in his shell? Thanks for the reply.