Dying Live Rock


I am starting a new 150 tank and ordered 350 lbs of live rock. There was a ton of growth on the rock when it was delivered. I pulled off the huge stuff but there is a lot of growth that is dying.....to be expected should I remove the excess plantand dying alge growth. the ammonia inthetank is high 2-3 ppm i have been doing water changes but the ammonia is high. I would think the extra die off is adding to this.



All of the dying stuff in there will just help your cycle along. Some will say to do water changes to keep your amonia levels down but I've always just let it be and let mother nature work her magic.
That LR looks like it's got a lot of diversity on it. Good find.


Active Member
Didn't I tell you to bump up the alkalinity and pH several times? I'm sure if you lived in a very unfavorable environment (no O2, lots of CO2) you'd start dying too...


Active Member
IMO during the cycle I would not mess with dosing anything. If you want to keep what you have and let it flourish keep up the water changes. Most would say in order to do a good "soft cycle" you should change water whenever ammonia gets over .5. This will allow most of the life on your beautiful live rock to make it through the cycle. Your Ph and Alk will balance out eventually with the water changes and the equipment running.
Where did your rock come from, it is really nice and full of life.
PS in the last picture it looks like you have some Halimeda algae growing there. Also looks like something interesting in the same picture the little outcropping on the top left.


i bought the live rock from golf-view dot com i paid $4 a lb for the rock i thought it was a great deal they ship to your local airport the rock was in transit for a total of 10 hours there is lots of growth and critters. Im going to to post more pictures of the rock later tonight Ill keep you posted