Dying Starfish? How Do I Know?


New Member
I just bought one of those orange lincia (spelling) starfished from SWF.COM, and it seemed fine for a few days, but now it looks like the ends of his "arms" are melting. Is that bad? Is he dying? How do I tell? he still seems to be moving a bit... Any ideas? Thanks!


Active Member
Sounds like osmotic shock. most likley its a goner.
without a lot of specific tank info thats about as good a guess as your going to get. try posting all your water stats. tank size etcetera. and hopefully ophuria or some one else with a lot of sea star expirience will chime in.


Active Member
I would guess that it is suffering from osmotic shocks, as others have said. They need to be acclimated for 3+ hours. They also need a sg of 1.025-1.026 so if it's not that high at the moment you should bump it up. If it is osmotic shock all you can do is wait and it will probably die :(. Good luck.