Dying Turbo Snails


New Member
I have a 4 month old 55 gal tank with 55lbs live rock. After curing for 6 weeks, I added the 55-100g reef package (20 Turbo snails, 5 nassarius, 20 scarlet, 20 blueleg). After a month I added a maroon clown and a cleaner shrimp, then a month, a royal gramma and just last week a firefish.
I checked the nitrogen cycle (Ammonia = 0, nitrite = 0, nitrate = 20), pH=8.2, salinity = 1.022, temp = 79-80, all seem okay.
Most of the scarlets have been killed by the blueleg, which after reading here I expected and wasn't too concerned, but my Turbos have been doing fine for the entire 4 months until the past week. I have about half a dozen empty snail shells on the floor, and about 3 or 4 that have been taken over by the bluelegs. I don't understand how in 2 weeks I lost half my snails. In 4 months I had no algae show up on the glass, and now I'm scrubbing it every other day. So the decrease in snails has definately shown in the system.
What could be causing my snails to die? I dont think the bluelegs are attacking until they are dead since they used to be mostly at the top of the water. Everyone else in the tank looks great.
Edited to add: The first couple of months I was using tap water until I could afford the RO unit. I now use only RO water and over the past two months I've done four 15 gal water changes.
Any help is appreciated..


You need to perform a 30% water change, your nitrates are the problem. I would also limit your feeding, invertebretes are extremely sensitive to high nitrate levels.


New Member
Oops.. that was a measurement error. It was the second color on the readout, so Nitrates are 10, not 20 (I thought it went 10, 20 not 5, 10, 20). But I do plan on doing another water change this weekend.


turbos are FIERCELY hungry. maybe there's not enough algae for them to eat? i've had them die when they do such a good job they starve.


its definately not the trates, 20 is not that bad at all or 10, i have seen bluelegs attack snails and take their shells and what was stated above, you might not have enough algae growth to sustain them all. lastly sometimes snails die its not that bad


Turbos will occasionally fall off of whatever they are climbing on. When that happens, they can't right themselves very quickly and the crabs attack! I've seen it happen again and again.


Active Member

Originally posted by bkbkid
You need to perform a 30% water change, your nitrates are the problem. I would also limit your feeding, invertebretes are extremely sensitive to high nitrate levels.

No nitrates are not toxic at these levels to snails...Even to fish for that matter..
You can have nitrate up to 100 and still be ok.. unless you have sensitive fish.
Invertes are less sensitive to nitrate.