Dying Zoos... Ick on Zoos?

nano reefer

Active Member
My green zoo rock is completely closed up. When i noticed it today i picked up the zoo rock and the rock they were on split in half. Also, my yellow polyps appear to have these little white specs on them, and i noticed the rock they were on is losing the number of yellow polyps. Whats up?


New Member
White spots on zoos may indicate zoo pox. I had a similar problem and I lost a colony to what I thought was zoo pox. I dipped all of my zoos in lugols but I still lost one colony. As soon as I threw it out all of the frags seemed to open up more. You can check out the zoaid site to get a picture of what zoo pox actually looks like and how to treat it.
YOu can also check for zoa eating Nudis. They hide really well and are pretty small. I took a frag out that was not opening and shook it upside down in some tank water in a tupperware container. OUt popped this 1/4 inch bug thingy with a bunch of banana looking things on his back. Once he was gone the zoos started opening again.


New Member
Thanks Petjunkie. I am a really new to reef tanks so I am learning each day. Thanks for pointing out that yellow polyps are not zoanthids.
Nano REefer- I would still check your "green zoo rock" for white spots or nudis. Hopefully someone will have some additional ideas for you.