

New Member
what does an anemonie look like when it starts dying? I have one that looks like it is turning inside out:confused: :help:


mine shrivles up when it poops check some anemone sites i have read somewhere that sometimes when it does this it could be splitting but someone on here knows alot more than me about anemones i'm sure


I was told by my LFS that an anenome will look like it's been through a cheese grater when it's dying.
The base as well as the tentacles. If it's shriveled, it's most likely just expelling waste.


If it dyes don't try to scoop it out. It will be mush and will disolve into your tank and cause all kinds of problems. Use a siphone to suck it out of the tank. Anemones do all kinds of weird things that makes them look like they are dying it is probably just expelling waste.


the anemone will run around the tank looking for a good spot.
then it will not be able to hold on to a rock or sand.
then it wll get small and go to mush


New Member
Thanks guys, but the one I asked about did die. And my other one got sucked up into the damn power head!!! That's 2 now that same power head has taken victim!


New Member

Originally posted by porter
Thanks guys, but the one I asked about did die. And my other one got sucked up into the damn power head!!! That's 2 now that same power head has taken victim!

I have a carpet anemone that was in my 75 gal tank, but started being so active that I became worried and moved it to a smaller tank - where it is still active. It also has become sucked into the power head - twice - but both times I poked him out with a glass thermometer and it doesn't seem to be to damaged - has a few bruises where he was sucked into the tube, but otherwise - still motivating around in a small 5 gal. tank that I moved it to - so as not to pollute my larger tank in case he cratered. Still don't know what has activated it - but is ineresting to watch ...Was glad to read what to look for when they are expiring -
Am also wondering if they might need calcium????:help: Do u know??? jean