e-mail going crazy how do i make it stop


ok,i'm not the smartest nut in the tree when it comes to computers. so how do i make replys from threads stop coming through my e-mail, it says something about subscibed threads. but i have never subscribed through my e-mial. if i have started a new thread ,the e-mail says there are replys, but even if i'm just thumbing through and look at a thread, it comes up in my e-mail. it just keeps on and on even when some else replys to a thread i looked at.
HELP , what do i do to stop this cluster #%#*&
please anyone
thanks tonya-sr


I cant make them stop, and I have edited my user cp, unsubscribed and ..For MONTHS I have turned off, cked and uncked disabled and blocked..and they still show up in my mail box. I finally used my spam blocker on em. My server just puts them in the trash file..if I look in my deleted files...its hundreds of emails from the swf.com boards.
blackomne, what EXACTLY have you done to stop the emails from comming?? Id like to know too!



blackomne, what EXACTLY have you done to stop the emails from comming?? Id like to know too!

User Cp above
Edit Options third tab
Messaging & Notification halfway down
Turned all off except the admin messages.
Remember to save changes!!!!


well i tried user cp above, and it still doing it, but i am glad to know i'm not the only one with this problem. and thanks for replying, so is there anymore ideas on how we can stop this crazy stuff from happening ???


lol..yeah..SAVE the changes!! ..wonder if that coulda been it???
but, on the other hand, I did have the
"Use 'Email Notification' by default?" cked NO..so I dont know,
put no to all of them now, and saved the changes!!
see if that works.
Hows yours goin Tonya-sr, did you get yours stopped yet?



Originally posted by tonya-sr
well i tried user cp above, and it still doing it, but i am glad to know i'm not the only one with this problem. and thanks for replying, so is there anymore ideas on how we can stop this crazy stuff from happening ???

might take a few to kick in and stop em? I dont know! lol..good grief, it does get old! I dont know if mine have stopped yet or not..Ive got this board blocked with anti spam software, Ill have to go see!