E.S.V 2 part component good or what?

I use esv two part component 1. alk, and 2.calcium, and is made to be used equally Right!!! So WHY DOES MY CALCIUM KEEP LOW? I HAVE TO ADD TWICE THE CALCIUM! It is pretty expensive stuff!
few hairi mushrooms
some xenias
and some green trumpet corals
live rock
flival 403 with some bio media and filter media
got some good greens and red every were in the tank!
But were is all that calcium going :confused: can I still used the esv and buy seprate calcium? What kind? And is it easy to pour? need more calcium! lost a large good looking green frogspawn do to calcium, and for some reason my home grown xenia is going down. Iodine and strontium and two part esv is all I Use... any good recomandations :confused: 75g thanks Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I like the b-ionic but on a 75 gallon it will get expensive you may want to look into geting some of the powererd suff like Kent Turbo calcium and superbuffer. Or start dripping Kalk.
What is your current score for Alk, Calk and magnisium ?
What do you have in the tank the is consuming your calcium?
What are you paying for the b ionic and in what size bottle?


I use B- Ionic in my 75. You will use more Calcium than you do Alk. Thats just a drawback to the system. I do buy my Calcium part seperate from my Alk though. One of my LFS's sells both parts seperate in gallon jugs. I like the way that it works, that is why I still use it. No mixing in top off water, just pour it in front of a powerhead. Easy.....I wont quit using it.
I also Use Seachem # 28 blocks to suppliment other trace elements, and havent had any problems.
Well I buy the Bionic two part in gallons. One gallon of calcium and another of alk. Thats the thing I have more alk than calcium in the gallon? I told my friends from Aqua/Dreams.com and day said it was weird cause the Bionic is used as a two part system and that something is using my calcium up. This the second time I purchase the two gallons toghether at $35 for both... They wont sell separate I dont know why... Thats why I ask If there is another kind of calcium additive that is easy like the Bionic? :confused: Hey if u give me any recomendations please be specific on the names and details for im not very good with abreviations...my alk is always high 12 to 14 drops on the test kit, and calcium low 360 to 380 :( I know is bad thats why I come for help? The only other additives are Kent Iodine and Kent Strontium... PLEASE HELP ME? BE SPECIFIC OK!