eager newbie


New Member
I have recently started a saltwater aquarium and have a few damsels in it. The tank was setup 2 weeks ago and I can't wait until it cycles. I have heard that clown fish are hardy. Can I go ahead and get one before my tank finishes cycling? Or will it die for sure?


Active Member
Clowns are hardy. But adding one while you are still in a cycle would not be recomended. Your best bet is to wait and while waiting do some research on the fish you want and research some other fish as well, you may change your mind.


TWoods is correct..wait until your tank is finished cycling. What fish do you want for your tank? Do some reading about them. Fish compatibility is an important consideration for a healthy tank. Put the least aggresive fish in first, working your way up to the most aggresive last.
Best Wishes


Take things slow, that is the best advice anyone can give you. Wait until the cycle is over to add the clown. Good Luck


Welcome!!! I agree with everyone else and I have learned a ton of things from this board and from a great book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist". The best advice is go very slow and Read, Read, Read!!!
Good luck and have fun!! :) ;)


Tell you what, wait until you have a hundred posts. The reason I say that is when I posted my first question, I thought I knew a lot about this hobby. As months went by, I read and learned so much. Meanwhile my tank cycled and now I'm really ready to dive into it! So, for me, #100 is right around the corner, and I give all the credit to all the wonderful people on this board. Patience sucks, but it's well worth the wait. COOP.


I agree. This board is a godsend. Ideally, before purchase your first piece of equipment, you should spend a full day perusing this board and the archived posts. It's so much harder (and more expensive) to work backwards than starting with a clean slate.

nm reef

Active Member
Kind of like beating a dead horse....but wait....you'll be grateful you did....
let your cycle complete with the damsels.......research fish you may want to keep.........bet ya change your mine several times as you research.........after cycle.......look to add clean-up crew.....and a fish.....start with A fish.......preferably least aggressive on your list....wait some more ....then look to add again....slow but sure...........