Easiest Anemone?


hi, i was wanting to know if there was an easy anemone to keep out there. my nitrates are at 30 and i am in the process of doing water changes and stuff like that to get them down, but is there any anemone that can handle some nitrates? Thanks


aptasia, ok sounds great. ya right i don't like those, they try to take over. thanks for the reply though. hahah


mabey a curly Q? my lfs where the pets go can keep them alive! that is the only thing in there that is living besides some of the clowns. or maybe a bubble tip. although my tank had good levels. almost perfect, but nothing gets to perfect more than the ocean itself. sorry for the long post. :)


Active Member
Water params?
How long has your tank been setup?
What kind of lighting do you have?
Even "easy" anemones will be hard to keep without proper lighting.


Had a LTA get sucked in a PH, i thought he was gone for sure as I had to pry him out of the PH... after a few hours to my amazement he started to open back up and it looked like something took a huge bite out of half of it.
After a few weeks now its looks completly healed and is about 20% of its size b4 the attempted suicide, lol.


Active Member
each of us are going to tell you something different as far as low maint favorites..........also horror stories of the same "low maint"
If water checks out, light and current are up to snuff,...then just start anywhere...typically Sebae's, Carpets , and Long tent are more particular for conditions. (JMO of course)
try a "Haitian", they have a dozen names but heres a pic. They are cheap,(under 10$) easy to feed and not very aggressive. They dont seem to be as concerned with where they are as long as they get decent light and light flow.
keep in mind this is Just my opinion.


ph 8.2
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
nitrate 30-40, i'm doing 20g wate changes a week and still won't go down.
i have metal halides & actinics
the tank has been set up for about 2 years with me and a guy i bought it from had it for about 8 years, so it has been setup for a while.
i guess ill try a cheap$ anemone and see how it works out. thanks


ok, do you have any other suggestions on how to get nitrates down ecxcept for water changes? i have been doing 20g water changes a week on a 110 gallon tank and they still haven't gone down. i rinse my filter pads once a week too. thanks


Active Member
You could feed less and do bigger water changes. Less than 20% water changes will only lower the nitrates by a couple ppm each time.