Easiest caulerpa to keep....


Active Member
I'm thinking of keeping a small crop or two of caulerpa in my 20g reef. Are any species easier to keep than others? I really like the look of grape, but don't know too much about any of them. Lighting is 24" smartlite pc's, 65w smart lamp. Thanks. Bo


Active Member
I've had good luck with the grape, and sawblade. The grape looks much better, and adds alot to the tank as far as color. The sawblade I beleive grows more rapidly than the grape.


Active Member
Do you think my lights would be ok? I really love caulerpa, and think it adds to the "naturalness" of a reef tank. Bo


more than enough for the blade caulerpa. I have a 15 or 20w NO plant grow light on my fuge. I have only had success with the blade type though.