easiest dwarf angel


Could anyone tell me which is the easiest of the dwarf angels to keep.
Thanks in advance


Active Member
A book I have says that the Cherub is a very hardy Angel, but also that it is one of if not the meanest, aggresive of the Centropyges.
Wax32, how aggresive is yours ?


Active Member
Mine was an "angel".
But seriously folks, he chased some fish a little, but nothing that the other fish didn't dish right back. Sadly, he died along with the rest of my tank during Katrina. I for sure wouldn't say he was "mean".
He was housed with damsels, wrasses, a firefish, a bicolor blenny and a dottyback. He and the dottyback didn't get along real well, but the others were ok with him.


the only 2 fish in my tank are a firefish and a mandarin would a dwarf angel be ok with these 2 the other occupants are a cleaner shrimp some astrea snails and an assortment of hermits. i really want a dwarf angel but if it wouldnt live harmoniously with whats allready in there i would have to rethink about what fish to get.
hanks for the replys


I have a Coral Beauty, flame, and lemonpeel angel. I wouldn't put a lemonpeel in with a mandarin, since my lemonpeel likes nipping at my mandarin. The coral beauty is very passive and I have had no problems with it. I would give the Coral beauty my vote on the easiest of those 3 types of dwarf angels.


Cheers boal the coral beauty is the one ive been leaning more towards but i thought it best to find out for sure before i go and buy one.


Active Member
I always throw in the disclaimer that "easy" may be relative. They are not necessarily a "hardy" fish in comparison to some others, so it is important that you have the right system for them (often with lots of LR for grazing) before considering them. Just a thought


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Mine was an "angel".
But seriously folks, he chased some fish a little, but nothing that the other fish didn't dish right back. Sadly, he died along with the rest of my tank during Katrina. I for sure wouldn't say he was "mean".
He was housed with damsels, wrasses, a firefish, a bicolor blenny and a dottyback. He and the dottyback didn't get along real well, but the others were ok with him.

My pygmy angel has the most personality out of everything in my tank. He is in with 2 perc clowns, a six line wrasse, a kole tang and 2 chromis. He never bothers a thing.