easiest way...


New Member
First off just reading some of the posts on here have made this a hobby I don't think I will ever regret starting, without these boards I would have made many newbie mistakes (which I am of course :rolleyes: ) Now with that being said what is the easiest way to upgrade my tank as far as getting all I have in this one to a larger one...no I don't have one yet but my wife...yes I said my wife :yes: wants to get a large one for the living room :joy:


Active Member
Set up a "hotel" tank to hold all of your inhabitants while you make the switch.
What kind of fish/inverts/coral do you have in your tank? LS/LR?


Active Member
I recently did this, I upgraded from a 46gal to a 58 (not much bigger but I don't have much space right now). My biggest obstacle was that I had to put my new tank in the same place as the old one, if you are able to set up the new tank in a different area then it is much easier. Basically you will want to set up your new tank as much as possible, put in sand LR, move everything you can from the other tank without disrupting it too much ( you could take some LR and some LS). Then let the new tank cycle, then you can move the rest of the livestock and rock and sand to the new tank.


New Member
I really don't have a whole lot, mostly LR, LS and few coarls...taking it REAL slow...I too have a 46g bowfront, it probably wouldn't be too hard to transfer since the new tank would be in the same room only about 7-8 feet away on a different wall, we are eventually whenever it happens going to move and set up the 46g in the den.