easter sunday 6 pack


Active Member
easter sunday 6 pack
heres a few pics from this morning i shot my new clams lookin good and its huge



Active Member
thanks its a lee mar flat polished 180 6'X2'x2'
transferreed my 100g over to it about 6 weeks ago and its doing good its guna be more of a sps tank soon


Active Member
yeah its about 9" or more im guessin but its big dwarfs my other croceas for sure....
its markings are awesome
brown with blue spots and gold circles around the spots
thanks the tanks coming along for sure


Active Member
thanks i plan on it im guna keep it more open and start gettin some nice sps frags in there and maybe a fish or 2 more like a leopard wrasse and anotehr tang maybe a blonde naso


great looking yellow tang. i'm tired of seeing them all pinched in and white around their gills. yours looks very healthy. congrats.


Active Member
thanks yeah it seems like yellow tangs can be tricky luckily this one eats good and has a great personality ive seen pleanty skiny ones 2 not good!
i have a 36" sump under the tank where i keep my skimmer and such i also keep some LR rubble in the and macro algae
heres a pic of the underneath