Easy way to remove LR rubble from sand bed


I did not rinse the rubble out of the live rock that I purchased from SWF.com . Now I'm not really crazy about the little pieces of LR lying on my sand. Is there an easy way to pull these little pieces of LR out of my tank? Picking them out by hand is a pretty big chore. The live sand I purchased has some little shells and other pieces in it too. I really wish I just had an all white sand bed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cprdnick
get a kitty litter scoop, they sell plastic ones at WalMart or a dollar store
That or you could probably use a net, scoop, and shake out all the LS


Active Member
Sifting is about your only other choice other than picking.
I had to do this to get my crushed coral, that I thought would be cool
, that I mixed in my sand when I first started. I got a large plastic collendar type spoon from walmart.