eating healthy


ohhhhh, i see i was putting a little water in the pan and putting the veggies in it, no collander that makes sense thanks!


Active Member
lol...thats just boiling the veggies... the benefits of steaming them is that the nutrients and vitamins dont get boiled out... here is a pic of what you should use... they are inexpensive and can be found at you grocery store (if they have a kitchen gadget section), target, bed bath and beyond, et. etc. etc...


I have one of those but never knew what it was for, dumb me but I have always had everyone do the cooking of veegies and meat before and now with our nephew everyone is busy and i have to do it myself now. anyways when i have time for a man i would like to know how to cook good thangs adn keep us lean


Active Member
If you get a good man... he will do most of the cooking for you... heh

keep an open is a shopping tip... buy the majority of you foods from the outer departments of the grocery store - buy it fresh...try to stay away from the aisles cuz thats where the "bad" stuff lurks...with the exception of the specialty food sections...


not in SD they are all lazy and want their women to do the cooking, shopping, and housecleaning. they don't even know what a broom is. sad but true. If i find a guy that is a cook himself here that would be my dream man. but the down fall is that i need a sucssessful man not necessarily rich (because i came from no real money and that would not work out) but a guy with a good job that is smarter than myself aka has a degree of some sort.


Active Member
no degree here and Im in ID
... LOL
I have a girl friend that is stationed in SD, and she is having the same problem... says all the guys are too lazy, superficial or more into themselves than anyone else...
good luck with the recipes and the cooking venture...


Active Member
a great cook book that is free. is the one by kraft called food and family check it out alot of good stuff in there. NOt all of it is the healthyist but its real good food. Hope that can be posted. If not im sorry please deleted it.


I don't mean to sound stuck up its just that i do value my education very much so and would like a guy that has the same values not to say that not having a degree is bad but in SD you have to have some kind of degree or you will not really make it out here, thats all. I am sorry if i offended you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
If you get a good man... he will do most of the cooking for you... heh

OK, RU, that is so cool!!! I will definitely have my hubby read this when he wakes up to his supper on the table, the kids bathed and ready for bed and his lunch packed.


no, i could care less if he had money, some schooling costs a lot of money and the first ten years or so you have to pay it back which equates to poor guy still paying school loans off. I could also care less if i supported a guy that would be fine with me just as long as he treated me good.


I just like a guy who can keep a conversation going and has a lot to say and talk anout not a guy that talks about how his board got a ding in it and how he is so bummed that he has to get it fixed so that he can catch the next gnarley swell!


Don't you think that's asking for a lot?
A good cook
A good education
A good job
Me? I would just ask for Brad Pitt.


in the city you have to make a good living and i am a city girl. When i am done with schooling i will have a great job and i have worked hard for where i am and just would like a guy that has worked hard as well. I wasn't parting right out of high school because i knew that i wanted to travel and have a nice house. I came from a lower middle class family and want the world for my kids and am willing to give them that , but if i have a guy that thinks that working at Mc Donald's is his life goal then he's not the one for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
OK, RU, that is so cool!!! I will definitely have my hubby read this when he wakes up to his supper on the table, the kids bathed and ready for bed and his lunch packed.
Dang your man is spoiled rber!!! I dont have a problem with traditional roles, its just that in todays society its falling to the wayside... what was his reaction??? offense taken here...