eclipse 12 gallon nano cube- ad

Some manufacture (eclipse?) makes a 12 gallow nano cube. In the photo is a fully stocked mini reef. The hood holds a 24 watt pc. Can that be right? Has anyone seen this photo?
I want to do a 20 gallon with 96 watt pc lighting. What would you put in this nano with that lighting? Thanks.


Active Member
jbj 12g nano
they have a deluxe version with 36w lights
i got the old one since it's for fish only. i think 36w might be too strong for fish, they might freak out.


Quote: I want to do a 20 gallon with 96 watt pc lighting. What would you put in this nano with that lighting?
You could have a nice, brightly colored softy tank.


Hate to tell you man, but there is no way the 36watts of PC lighting would freak out a fish. I have 88 over my nano, and the fish don't really seem to mind. Also please bare in mind that the fish in the ocean are lighted by just about the brightest light bulb around "the sun"... which is a little brighter than 36watts.
I don't mean to sound like a jerk... sometimes I just do... no hard feelings.


Active Member
while what you say is true, fish in the ocean has places to hide. and they have time between dawn to noon to adjust the change slowly. the key word is slowly.
about this 'sun' thing you speak of... can you turn it on with a switch and it comes on immediately?


Yup, I have the switch... it is actually a reostat that I can turn up slowly, but it is a switch all the same. Any way, i still don't feel there is anyway that 36 watts is any way near way to much for a fish only tank. If you were concerned about that, you could put in some rock cover for places to hide.


Actually, a sudden burst of any light can cause stress in fish.
Softies include:
Leather Coral (cabbge, toadstool, devilshand, finger, etc.)
Colt Coral
Basically anything that doesn't have a skeleton.


Active Member
i feel it's too bright for fish. it might not seem so to human but considering how shallow the depth is in a nano, and true percs are surface swimmers so there may be no more than two to three inches between the light source and the fish, there is cause to be concerned.
and for my purpose i don't want too many rocks in there; besides the space is limited to begin with.
I looked at the decriptions of those softies and may go with some. Do you have any pics of what you have. Also, wanted to know you have any zoos. I bought a piece of LR awhile back and it had this one thing that look like an individual zoo. It's about 1/2" high and the shape of a dime. Since I got it, it has divided 5 more times. Wish I had a digital camera. Some have stayed together and others have migrated. I don't add anything to the water and rarely feed it. I know it isn't an apitasia(sp?) Not sure if zoos are all connected or if they can rome individually like mine?
Any thoughts, pics or additives for your softies?


No additives necessary. How long have you had it? I've had mine for almost 4 months and most of them have split once. What do you mean by "migrated?" They can't move.


Here are my my pink mushrooms in the foreground. Behind them is my colt coral.
Softies are very pretty and easy to maintain. I higly recommend them.
Hey Tina,
The pic looks great. Tough to tell if we have the same thing. Same color, but it seems much longer than the ones in my tank. Mine are half the size with a flo. green dot in the center.
I have a 33 and may start a 20. What do you recommend for light duration, also any additive you may use. I was told to switch from Instant Ocean Salt something else. Do you recommend anything? Thanks again.


I use Oceanic, it dissolves almost instantly and therefore is much easier to mix.
I don't use additives aside from a small dose of calcium every now and again to keep my coralline algae nice and happy.
My light cycle is:
actinic 10am - 10pm
full spectrum white 11am - 9pm
The zoo does look like what's in my tank. I guess mine was a loner. I would have started sooner, but I was thinking I would be adding 1/2 gallon a day of lime water like some tanks. But it sounds like softies can be keep with simple lighting and some calcium. Do you use any equipment other than a skimmer? Thanks again.


I don't have a skimmer. The calcium is not necesary for soft coral, I use it for the coralline algae.
I have an eclipse tank and it has a built-in filter in the hood.
I have something similar to the red/orange zoo pic. However, you said they don't move. Still no sure what I have, Because every few week they travel a bit. I change my light schedule every so often to discourage hair algae. Maybe the questionable zoo is reajusting to the light. Thanks.