Eclipse 29G need light help!!


Recently I got my Eclipse 29g. I planning to put some carol ot it in the future. I belive now default Hood system only come with 24" T8 2X18W light system. I researching on this message board and i think a lot ppl have to remove the whole light sytem and replace soemthing else. Can i just replace the high power light bulbs ? I saw on the internet got some 24" 75 Watt Coral Life VHO Bulb. It will be more simple if i just can repace the bulbs. Thank YOu for any inputs. :help:


There are retrofit systems that you can buy and replace your existing light unit with (without having to ditch the whole hood). I am going to do so to my tank, and one of my LFS already did that to a 29 gallon like mine, and it turned out great!


New Member
I have the exact same tank! I got rid of my lid... the best thing you can do... I got an over the back filter and a coralife light system, protein skimmer. What I did was went to a glass store and had them cut glass to fit the top of my tank 29 1/4 by 4 1/4 and just set the light on top of that. I have the compact florecent bulbs and my tank took off after I did that!


Today i go to my LFS, find something interesting. I can replace the bulbs (GLO), I pick a T8 20W Actinic spectrum and 20w 18000K High intensity aquarium. I install it and turn out pretty good. IS those light good enough for me put in some beginner coral ?


Active Member
Possibly some mushrooms if you put them near the top of the tank. If you want to keep other corals then you will need at least 150 watts of VHO or Power Compact with MH being the optimal choice :)


Sorry again, with the two lights the total of watts is 40w. You have a 29 gal. That is only about a little more than 1.2 watts per gal. You need at least 3-5w per gal. If you want coral, then I would go for the 4-5w per gal. I also have a 29 gal. I got the PC coralife retro fit. That give me 130 watts for my tank, I have mostly soft coral and one stone coral. You can buy a couple of styles for the lights, retro fit and the kind that just sits on your tank. It is going to cost about $100 plus shipping. I got mine of ----. Any thing less than that is only good for the fish.:) :happyfish


New Member
i have the same tank...i threw away the top and put a 65X2 pc's on.
but i just got a 175 mh and im gonna build a canopy this weekend and put the 2x65 in (actinics)
ill post some pics once i get it done...