Eclipse 3 (3 gallons)


New Member
Hey, im a new fishkeeper and i was wondering if anyone has successfully maintained a 3 gallon saltwater aquarium, like the eclipse 3 set up. I really just want to know if its worth getting live sand/rock for it or if i should just go freshwater. So has anyone ever kept saltwater maybe even a coral or 2 in an eclipse 3??


there are many people who have successfully kept small tanks. IT is more difficult, but can be done? Is this your first saltwater tank, if it is i would not reccommend keeping such a small tank before you have experience.
You have to be very careful when keeping such a small tank, because everything is so delicate.


New Member
no, i have a 10 gallon that ive had for about 4 months now and i aint had to casualties but i think i want to keep saltwater in the eclipse 3 just because its so much better than fresh. i just want to know if anyone here has specific expirience with that tank and can maybe tell me some dos and dont's. thanks for the input though.