Eclipse 3 gallon tank


New Member
I just picked up a 3 gallon Eclipse tank that came with a Maroon Clown. I plan on putting the Maroon Clown in my 90 gallon fish only tank. I have seen a few tanks in local pet stores that have common clownfish (A. ocellaris or A. percula) in an Eclipse with an anemone. If possible, how can I provide enough light in the 3 gallon Eclipse system to keep an anemone alive? What type of anemone is best to try in this tank?
Thanks Bill


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bill1171
I just picked up a 3 gallon Eclipse tank that came with a Maroon Clown. I plan on putting the Maroon Clown in my 90 gallon fish only tank. I have seen a few tanks in local pet stores that have common clownfish (A. ocellaris or A. percula) in an Eclipse with an anemone. If possible, how can I provide enough light in the 3 gallon Eclipse system to keep an anemone alive? What type of anemone is best to try in this tank?
Thanks Bill
I have one,, but after i got it all i wish i started from scratch WITHOUT the eclipse system but I made my bed and was to far along to go back AND now I had to sleep in it! SO now my system is completely custom. #1 I removed the carbon strip and its full of chemipure. #2 I Removed the stnadard lights completely and added a 130w pc, I now have a input and output line connected to a HOB, REFUGIUM w/P.S. The Skimmer and Fuge saved me! I would say with all the upgrades there is nothing i COULD NOT put into my Tank! Good Luck!


New Member
Thanks. I guess I was hoping for a response that would say I was wrong, but I pretty much knew I would need ALOT more equipment than the Eclipse system can provide. I will probably get a couple mollies or platies for the 3 gallon. Maybe I will set up one of my old 10 or 20 gallon tanks if I want to do a clown/anemone set up right!