eclipse 6 gallon saltwater capable?


New Member
I have a 6 gallon eclipse aquarium kit and i was wondering is if it would be able to support a saltwater reef with a clownfish. It comes with the stock filter and light. I was thinking that I could switch out the light to one that can substain coral and add a nano protein skimmer. Will this work? Any other suggestions? Thanks.


Active Member
you prb wont need to use a skimmer in a tank that size. I think it would make more problems than help. The filter on the 6 gal eclipse isnt a biological filter is it? If not you might trade the skimmer $ for a biological filter, one with a bio wheel. And a small power head to add some current to the tank as you wont have much with a filter like that. If you wanted any type of reef system LR or soft corals then you would def need to update the lights. And a small heater just as a precaution. :joy:


New Member
The 6 gallon eclipse comes with a bio wheel. Should I get rid of the stock filter cartridge and fill with rubble like many people do with other nanos? Thanks for your help!


Active Member
some will tell you yes some will tell you its not necessary. There is a nano tank on here where the ower has nothing in his back chamber but a bag of charcoal. Nothing else no biological media no foam nothing. He uses the natural filtration of the tank to work as it should. And he actually has one of the nicest nanos on this site. IMO. So, I would say its entirly up to you. Would I add LR Rubble instead of the filter it came with if it were mine? No I wouldnt, I would use the filter that came with it providing it was the correct one for the tank, which seems like it is if you say its a bio wheel.


Active Member
my eclipse 12 comes with a power filter with a biowheel. first off, i would say instead of using the cartridge the filter comes with, just put some filter floss and a separate bag of carbon (if you choose to run carbon). also make shure the tank doesnt have any leaks, some eclipses have probs with this. also fill the water up to the output on the filter, if you dont you will have lots of bubbles in your tank.


ive had mine setup since jan 7 I know its not that long but i also made some changes to it, like the light with the stock light my zoos stretched like mad, with a 32w pc they are allot better. Im also trying to change the way the filter is, might just abandon the stock one for a HOB that i have around. I have a few pics on here of my tank at various stages.

Ive added a milli and some more zoo frags since this shot.


Active Member
I'm running the Eclipse 12, it's the only one that could really support coral out of the box since it comes with a 36 watt 50/50 light. Everything is stock and it's been up over 6 months doing great with a variety of soft and LPS coral. The Eclipse 6 could handle the clown but you'd definitely need a lighting upgrade since I believe it only comes with some standard low wattage daylight fluorescent. I think JBJ does a 6 gallon nano cube, you may way to look into that instead if you want to go that small with an all in one...


Active Member
I just bought an eclipse 5 (the hex one) last week. It was supposed to serve as a fuge, but now of course, Ive started to dig into what I could put in there. I stole one of my mini-hermits from my DT (44g tall/corner unit) and threw him in there. Im thinking of adding maybe a TINY goby- dont know yet, or yet, maybe a few pompom crabs. I have a pompom in my DT but hes in the witness protection program.


one sugestion, since its acrilic it will scracth easily so when adding lr be very carefull ,maybe but a sheet of paper on all side and then remove after you added the rock