eclipse 6 gallon


New Member
I have an Eclipse 6-gallon tank with biowheel and filter and was wondering if I could host a saltwater aquarium in it. I asked the people at ***** and they said that it should be fine as long as I have a live rock and live sand, but most of those ***** people don't know anything. I was just thinking about having live sand, a live rock and maybe a clownfish. Would that be ok? Thanks a bunch!


Active Member
Yes it can be done, tanks that small are considered nano reefs, or nano tanks. Small tanks are difficult to keep and I think it would be easier to maintain with LR and LS. If this is your fist salwater tank then I would reccommend getting a larger tank, unless you really want a small one.


New Member
right now, I don't have money for a new tank and stuff...I'm a poor college student. However, one of my friends has a clownfish that he doesn't want and wanted to know if I wanted it. What are the things that I need to worry about for having the 6 gallon setup, and what's the best way to approach this setup? Thanks!


Active Member
LR is live rock and LS is live sand. Saltwater can be kind of expensive, my 26 gal cost $2,000 but a 6 gallon shouldn't cost more than $100if you get LR and LS. The thing you need to wrry about in small tanks is the water parameters. You levels can go up very easily than can be hazardous to your fish. What kind of clownfish is it? If you don't know then tell me what it looks like.


Active Member
Yeah I think you could keep a percula in a 6 gallon, might be kinda sqeezy for him but I think it will work if he is small. There is a lot to know about setting up a saltwater tank. The best thing to do is to buy a good saltwater book that tells you how to setup, or you can just ask questions here. :)


Active Member
No you don't need a protien skimmer for that small of tank, I don't even have one on my tank and its doing great, they are not absolutely neccessary.