Eco Aqualizer


Active Member
do a search on here...there have been a lot of post's on this thing.....if it sounds too good to be true it usually is....
sounds like a load of crap to me... but that's just me...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clownfishlover
Has any one used the eco aqualizer? If so did it work?
Surely you jest?
On another fourm there is a heap of posts regarding them and not one of the multitudes of posts has Anything good to say about them. Same here there should be a lot of posts. I had questioned folks when they said they were buying them and usuing them and it got into a war more or less and IIRC there is not one of those folks that has really responded to any inquiries on how well they worked......SNAKE OIL
A person sent me one out of the clear blue sky and said to take it and see if I ocul dget it to work. I did not waste my time and informed them it wa snot worth my time, and they said to throw it away then. I took it apart instead. Ait had half a dozen cheap, and i mean cheap alnico magnets, placed around a PVC pipe that formed a inner tube for water to go through. A couople of wraps of electrical tape held magnets inplace. Its primarily a tube of pvc within a tube of pvc with half a dozen magents and electrical tape ...........The magnettic ion / molecular alignment nonesense craze on gimicks went out over 10 years ago........